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Chalice, Unitarian Universalist Mid-Atlantic Community


2021 Virtual Announcement

UUMAC 2021 will be a virtual event

Dear beloved UUMAC community,


The Board would like to express our profound gratitude for all who planned, contributed and participated in virtual UUMAC 2020. It took a lot of input, devotion and creativity to transform UUMAC into a four week virtual event, and it is a testament to the creativity of this community that we had such a successful program. We shared profound moments of personal sharing as we dealt with unprecedented circumstances.


In the best interests of the health and safety of our community, the Board has made the decision to hold another virtual UUMAC in 2021. With all the unknowns regarding the pandemic and the timing of it’s resolution, this seems to be the most prudent decision. The Board is currently deciding on planning and staffing decisions with the goal to announce details and registration in March 2021.


The theme for 2021 is ‘Community of Communities’ (to be revised). This Beloved Community consists of all ages from infant to elders, in a myriad of different personal situations with various needs, abilities and identities. We are planning an immersive on-line community experience that provides us with heartfelt connection and inspiration, with a multitude of events over a three week period. As in VUUMAC 2020 these will be held at various times so that as many people as possible can be included, and you can decide which events fit into your schedule. UUMAC’s goal is to learn and grow together as we join in this loving and amazing intergenerational and multicultural community.


PLUS it’s our 40th anniversary!! We are collecting ideas on how we can celebrate this momentous occasion, including special anniversary UUMAC T-shirts, a review of Night Owls through the Ages, and a ‘Where Am I’ Shuffle. If you would like to help plan this event please contact Maya Salvacion.


We will continue to monitor the public health situation and when local public health officials deem it prudent we will consider small UUMAC gatherings in those areas.


Join us for VUUMAC 2021 as we worship, make crafts, dance and laugh in this loving community.

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