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In keeping with our UU principles, the UUMAC Board unanimously agreed to honor our financial commitments to ministers and other key staff, several of whom are working hard to sustain this new platform. There will be opportunities for a free-will donation and, if you are able, we would be grateful to receive enough to cover these and other incurred costs.

Thank You To Our Amazing Supporters

S. Raymond

L. Cave

Focht and Bender Family


S. Pataky

J. Kirkman


Beth Sprinkle & Jenn Grau

Laurie Brooks

Chris Davis

Andres/Beautler Family

R. Monaco

K. Ray

The Crowley Family

The Lawthers

M. Brower

B. Libby

D. Rothman


W. Stratton


J. Smyth

K. Borror


R. Slezak (This donation is in memory of Tom Johnson, a young man who left way too early.)

2020 Donations 


$5,000 GOAL






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