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Meet our featured speakers


Paula Cole Jones, a lifelong UU, is the founder of ADORE (A Dialogue on Race & Ethnicity), a former president of DRUUMM (Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries) and an independent consultant specializing in multicultural competencies and institutional change. She lives in Washington, D.C. and is a member of All Souls Unitarian. She served as an Interim Congregational Life Consultant for the Central East Region from 2018-2020. Paula’s leadership around the 8th Principle is transforming Unitarian Universalism and we’re thrilled to have her with us this summer.

Paula Cole Jones

Theme Speaker


Dr. Elías Ortega

Minister of the "Month"

Dr. Elías Ortega is an interdisciplinary scholar who received his M.Div. and Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary. His primary teaching and research areas are Sociology of Religion, Religious Ethics, Cultural Sociology, Social Movements, Critical Theory, Africana Studies, Latinx Cultural Studies. Having served on the faculty of numerous universities and seminaries, Dr. Elías now serves as the President of Meadville Lombard Theological School, one the two UU-identity seminaries in the United States, as well as serving the larger Unitarian Universalist movement as a member of the UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change. We’re especially excited about Dr. Ortega’s commitment to UU faith formation and intergenerational worship.

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